It boasts large battles and scenes from other main characters, and, better yet, the Switch version contains all the DLC from the get-go, which add additional chapters and fights into the story mode, giving players a sense of variety that the other games in the series lacked.

Storm 2 also experimented with taking the action away from Naruto himself to other characters in the anime and this continues this trend in extraordinary fashion. This is a pure example of 'less is more' as the free roaming between missions and plot points became incredibly arduous in the previous instalment, so it is totally refreshing that this almost does away with this. The player now only has to run through a small number of areas to get to the next fight, and these sections rarely serve any purpose other than to save and buy items from the merchants. Ultimate Adventure continues with the fixed-camera, open-world gameplay, however, the free roaming sequences have been condensed considerably. Once the opening animation is complete, the story picks up where Storm 2 left off at the Five Kage summit. The opening prequel introduces players to the main antagonist of Storm 3 and serves as a great introduction for those unfamiliar with the Naruto-lexicon. The story in Ultimate Adventure opens with an epic fight against the Nine Tails, which sets itself as a prequel to the original Naruto arc. This shares the same presentation style as the previous games, including similar looking menus, icons, and game modes, and comprises of three main modes Ultimate Adventure, Free Battle, and Online.